Privacy Policy

Shruti Electronics is very much aware that the information related to you is very sensitive and as such it sticks to the commitment of protecting the information provided by you. Utmost priority is given to the furnished information by users and every step is taken to ensure your privacy and information are protected. We respect users’ privacy and the given data. Shruti Electronics privacy policy is transparent and open and abides by the rules of the Indian government.  

The rules and regulations stipulated here are followed without any breach and by visiting Shruti Electronics you consciously give your consent to practice the privacy policy statement described here i.e. the terms and conditions of Shruti Electronics privacy policy. However, we suggest you to keep visiting this page often to know the privacy policy details which keep changing now and then based on the requirement. 

We as an entity will make every effort to inform the users regarding such changes made to the privacy policy through various forms like email or other means, however, having said this we don’t carry any liability or compulsion by the law to do so and is the only act based on the grounds of serving our customers transparently and being fair and informative to them. 

The choice of providing requested personal information to us is at your sole discretion and we don’t force you to furnish the asked details but we would request you to give the requested information in order to serve you better and fast. With this said, we again assure you that collected information is not used in a way that hinders your privacy or privilege. We also assert that user information will not be used for hidden interests, self-promotions, or be sold to third parties without letting you know and without your prior approval. 

What personal information is collected ?

The info we gather from customers assists us in personalizing and improving the shopping experience on our website. The information is also used to help the sellers and affiliates serve you better and to enhance the delivery system, payment gateways, product suggestions, offers, and address your grievances. The information is also used for your convenience to protect customers from abuses, fraud, and defects besides the information may also be used for technical advancement. 

The types of information we gather

Information provided by you: We gather and store any information entered by you on our website or in any other way you provide us with the same. You may opt-out to not provide us information but this may end up you not receiving any advantages, offers, and features we come with from time to time. 

Automatic Information: We also receive and store automatic information when you interact with us, visit our website, or through cookies. When your web browser or mobile accesses information on our website, advertisements of us or 3rd parties, and any other information our website automatically collects information such as your location, search history, and other information. Automatic information is also collected when you open our e-mail communications or other sources of communication. 

Is the information shared ? 

Information isn’t sold unless prior approval. However, at times we may be forced to give the information if needed for authorized persons and government agencies based on the law. This said Shruti Electronics doesn’t control affiliate businesses or third-party service providers for which they may have collected information without our notice or permission or with your voluntary actions.  

We assure you that as a business entity we take utmost care to protect your information in case you find some discrepancy kindly contact us immediately through our CONTACT page.